Month: March 2023

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La primavera

La primavera In this post you will find a reading about Spring: “La primavera”. Spring is the season of the year where people enjoy going outside, doing activities in the garden, going to the park, etc. Watch this video and you will learn a little more about this season of the year. This reading will...

CORRER (Futuro simple)

CORRER (Futuro simple)

CORRER (Futuro simple) Learn and practice Spanish with this conjugation “CORRER (Futuro simple)”:The verb “To run” is conjugated this way in Future simple Tense: Yo correré, tú correrás, él correrá, ella correrá, nosotros correremos, ustedes correrán, ellos correrán, ellas correrán. Practice this verbs in Future Simple using Quizlet: Do you want to practice more Spanish...


9 preguntas para conocerse

9 preguntas para conocerse Practice these 9 questions to get to know each other, improve your Spanish using these questions : “9 preguntas para conocerse”. Look at these examples: “¿Cuál es tu nombre?, Me encanta el invierno y a ti?, Cuál es tu estación favorita?” this will help you enhance your Spanish Vocabulary skills and...

CORRER (Imperfecto)

CORRER (Imperfecto)

CORRER (Imperfecto) Learn and practice Spanish with this conjugation “CORRER (Imperfecto)”:The verb “To run” is conjugated this way in Imparfait Tense: Yo corría, tú corrías, él corrían, ella corría, nosotros corríamos, ustedes corrían, ellos corrían, ellas corrían. Practice this verbs in Imparfait using Quizlet: Do you want to practice more Spanish verbs in imperfect tense?...

CORRER (Pretérito)

CORRER (Pretérito)

CORRER (Pretérito) Learn and practice Spanish with this conjugation CORRER (Pretérito) :The verb “To run” is conjugated this way in Preterite Tense: Yo corrí, tú corriste, él corrió, ella corrió, nosotros corrimos, ustedes corrieron, ellos corrieron, ellas corrieron. Practice this verbs Pretérito using Quizlet: Do you want to practice more Spanish verbs in preterite tense?...


Simultaneidad Spanish words to express present tense

Simultaneidad Spanish words to express present tense In this post, “Simultaneidad Spanish words to express present tense”, you will learn Spanish words to express something that refers to current events. You can use these words when they are happening at a certain time. Discover how seamlessly integrating these words at the beginning of your sentences...

CORRER (Presente)

CORRER (Presente)

CORRER (Presente) Learn and practice Spanish with this conjugation “CORRER (Presente)”:The verb “To run” is conjugated this way in present tense: Yo corro, tú corres, él corre, ella corre, nosotros corremos, ustedes corren, ellos corren, ellas corren. Practice this verbs To run in present tense using Quizlet: Do you want to practice more Spanish verbs...