SECARSE (Presente)

SECARSE (Presente)

Learn and practice Spanish with this conjugation “SECARSE (Presente)”:
The verb “To dry” is conjugated this way in present tense:

Yo me seco, tú te secas, él se seca, ella se seca, nosotros nos secamos, ustedes se secan, ellos se secan, ellas se secan.

To dry – Present Tense

Yo me secoI dry myself
Tú te secasYou dry yourself (sing.)
Él se secaHe dries himself
Ella se secaShe dries herself
Nosotros nos secamosWe dry ourselves
Ustedes se secanYou dry yourselves (plur.)
Ellos se secanThey dry themselves (masc.)
Ellas se secanThey dry themselves (fem.)

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To dry