Learn and practice Spanish with this conjugation “PROTEGERSE (Presente)”:
The verb “To protect oneself” is conjugated this way in present tense:

Yo me protejo, tú te proteges, él se protege, ella se protege, nosotros nos protegemos, ustedes se protegen, ellos se protegen, ellas se protegen.

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To protect oneself – Present Tense

Yo me protejoI protect myself
Tú te protegesYou protect yourself (sing.)
Él se protegeHe protects himself
Ella se protegeShe protects herself
Nosotros nos protegemosWe protect ourselves
Ustedes se protegenYou protect yourself (plur.)
Ellos se protegenThey protect themselves (fem.)
Ellas se protegen They protect themselves (masc.)

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To protect oneself

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