Spanish Readings Level 2
Welcome to Spanish Readings Level 2! If you are in this post it’s because you have some basic Spanish readings ( like the one that we have in our First readings Level) and you practice already our Spanish Readings level 1.
In Readings Level 2, you are going to keep improving your listening skills.
Enjoy these topics, and listen to the video at least twice in order to compete the comprehension exercise under the video. So, let’s go and choose a topic of your interest:
Readings Level 2
1. The house: La casa
2. The trip: El viaje
3. 11 resolutions for kids: 11 resoluciones para los niños
4. 10 good resolutions for the new year: 10 buenas resoluciones para el nuevo año
5. A trip to England: Un viaje a Inglaterra
6. Describe your day: Describe tu día
7. My name is Chef Pepin: Mi nombre es Chef Pepin
8. Total solar eclipse : Eclipse solar total