Reflexive Verbs Dictation Practice
Learn the vocabulary needed to describe, and talk about a reflexive verbs (Reflexive Verbs Dictation Practice). Here you will learn how to say I always brush my teeth and comb my hair, after breakfast, I hurry to take the bus.
Cada mañana me despierto a las seis en punto.
Rápidamente me levanto y me lavo la cara y las manos.
A veces me lavo el pelo en la ducha y luego me seco.
Siempre me lavo los dientes y me peino.
Después del desayuno, me apresuro a tomar el autobús.
Por la noche, voy a la cama a las 10:30 y casi siempre me duermo de inmediato.
Every morning I wake up at six o’clock.
I get up quickly and wash my face and hands.
Sometimes i wash my hair in the shower and then I dry myself.
I always brush my teeth and comb my hair.
After breakfast, I hurry to take the bus.
In the evening, I go to bed at 10:30 pm and I almost always fall asleep right away.
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Reflexive VerbsClick here to practice Conjugation
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