Jose Luis Perales – Canción para navidad
The song “Jose Luis Perales – Canción para navidad“ will help you enhance your Spanish.
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José Luis Perales Morillas born: Castejón, Cuenca; January 18, 1945, is a Spanish singer-songwriter, composer, producer and writer. He is considered one of the most covered Hispanic singer-songwriters in the world. He is one of the most prolific and successful authors on the Spanish scene.
Lyrics : Jose Luis Perales – Canción para navidad
Spanish | English |
Navidad, es Navidad Toda la Tierra se alegra | Christmas, it’s Christmas The whole Earth rejoices |
Y se entristece la mar Marinero, ¿a dónde vas? | And the sea is saddened Sailor, where are you going? |
Deja tus redes y reza Mira la estrella pasar | Leave your nets and pray Watch the star go by |
Marinero, marinero Haz en tu barca un altar | Sailor, sailor Make an altar in your boat |
Marinero, marinero Porque llegó Navidad | Sailor, sailor Because Christmas has arrived |
Noches blancas de hospital Dejad el llanto esta noche | Hospital White Nights Stop crying tonight |
Que el niño está por llegar Caminante sin hogar | That the child is about to arrive Homeless walker |
Ven a mi casa esta noche Que mañana Dios dirá | Come to my house tonight That tomorrow God will say |
Caminante, caminante Deja tu alforja llenar | Walker, walker Let your saddlebag fill |
Caminante, caminante Porque llegó Navidad | Walker, walker Because Christmas has arrived |
Ven, soldado, vuelve ya Para curar tus heridas | Come, soldier, come back now To heal your wounds |
Para prestarte la paz Navidad, es Navidad | To give you peace Christmas, it’s Christmas |
Toda la Tierra se alegra Y se entristece la mar | The whole Earth rejoices And the sea is saddened |
Tú que escuchas mi mensaje Haz en tu casa un altar | You who listen to my message Make an altar in your home |
Deja el odio y ven conmigo Porque llegó Navidad | Leave the hate and come with me Because Christmas has arrived |
Y en la misa del Gallo los coros desgarran sus cuerdas | And in the Mass of the Rooster the choirs tear their strings |
Y extasiada ante el Cristo que nace Una madre reza por el hijo que fuera de casa sentirá tristeza | And ecstatic before the Christ who is born A mother prays for her son who will be sad outside the home |
Y los ojos del hijo esa noche, llorarán con ella | And the eyes of the son that night, will cry with her |
Tú que escuchas mi mensaje Haz en tu casa un altar | You who listen to my message Make an altar in your home |
Deja el odio y ven conmigo Porque llegó Navidad | Leave the hate and come with me Because Christmas has arrived |
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