Vivir la vida- Marc Anthony

Vivir la vida- Marc Anthony - Spanish songs

Vivir la vida- Marc Anthony

Learn and enjoy this beautiful song from Vivir la vida- Marc Anthony. Hope you enjoy it!

Marc Anthony is a singer, songwriter, and actor of Puerto Rican descent who has made his mark through his Latin and salsa-inspired music.

Born Marco Antonio Muniz on September 16, 1968, in New York City, Marc Anthony went on to international fame as a singer, actor, and songwriter. Getting his start as a backup singer for acts such as Menudo and the Latin Rascals, Anthony became a headliner when his style shifted to a more Spanish-based sound

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Vivir la vida- Marc Anthony - Spanish songs

Marc Anthony


Born Marco Antonio Muniz on September 16, 1968, in New York City, Marc Anthony went on to international fame as a singer, actor, and songwriter. Getting his start as a backup singer for acts such as Menudo and the Latin Rascals, Anthony became a headliner when his style shifted to a more Spanish-based sound