PINTAR (Pretérito)

PINTAR (Pretérito)

PINTAR (Pretérito)

Learn and practice Spanish with this conjugaison “Pintar (Pretérito)”:
The verb “To paint” is conjugated this way in Preterite Tense:

Yo pinté, tú pintaste, él pintó, ella pintó, nosotros pintamos, ustedes pintaron, ellos pintaron, ellas pintaron.

To paint –  Preterite Tense:

I paintedYo pinté
You painted (sing.)Tú pintaste
He paintedÉl pintó
She paintedElla pintó
We paintedNosotros pintamos
You painted (plur.)Ustedes pintaron
They painted (masc.)Ellos pintaron
They painted (fem.)Ellas pintaron

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To paint – preterite

In today’s lesson, we’re diving into the preterite tense and exploring the conjugation of the verb “to paint” in Spanish. Understanding how “pintar” transforms in the past tense is a crucial step in mastering the language. By the end of this post, you’ll be able to express yourself in Spanish with a whole new brush of linguistic skills.”