Author: Evia Maya (Maya Evia)


Spanish AR verbs with phonetic pronunciation

Spanish AR verbs with phonetic pronunciation Phonetic pronunciation provides a way to represent the sounds of a language using specific symbols that may differ from the standard alphabet. Therefore, “Spanish AR verbs with phonetic pronunciation” refer to providing a representation of these verbs using phonetic symbols to indicate how they are pronounced in Spanish. For...


CANTAR (Futuro simple)

CANTAR (Futuro simple) Learn and practice Spanish with this conjugation “CANTAR (Futuro simple)“:The verb “To sing” is conjugated this way in Future simple Tense: Yo cantaré, tú cantarás, él cantará ,ella cantará, nosotros cantaremos, ustedes cantarán, ellos cantarán, ellas cantarán. Practice this verbs in Future Simple using Quizlet: Do you want to practice more Spanish...


CANTAR (Pretérito)

CANTAR (Pretérito) Learn and practice Spanish with this conjugation “CANTAR (Pretérito)”:The verb “To sing” is conjugated this way in Preterite Tense: Yo canté, tú cantaste, él cantó, ella cantó, nosotros cantamos, ustedes cantaron, ellos cantaron, ellas cantaron. Practice this verbs in Pretérito using Quizlet: Do you want to practice more Spanish verbs in preterite tense?...


CANTAR (Imperfecto)

CANTAR (Imperfecto) Learn and practice Spanish with this conjugation “CANTAR (Imperfecto)”:The verb “To sing” is conjugated this way in Imparfait Tense: Yo cantaba, tú cantabas, él cantaba, ella cantaba, nosotros cantábamos, ustedes cantaban, ellos cantaban, ellas cantaban. Practice this verbs in Imperfect using Quizlet: Do you want to practice more Spanish verbs in imperfect tense?...


CANTAR (Presente)

CANTAR (Presente) Learn and practice Spanish with this conjugation “CANTAR (Presente)”:The verb “To sing” is conjugated this way in present tense: Yo canto, tú cantas, él canta, ella canta, nosotros cantamos, ustedes cantan, ellos cantan, ellas cantan. Practice this verbs “To sing” in present tense using Quizlet: Do you want to practice more Spanish verbs...


ESPERAR (Futuro simple)

ESPERAR (Futuro simple) Learn and practice Spanish with this conjugation “ESPERAR (Futuro simple)”:The verb “To wait” is conjugated this way in Future simple Tense: Yo esperaré, tú esperarás, él esperará, ella esperará, nosotros esperaremos, ustedes esperarán, ellos esperarán, ellas esperarán. Practice this verbs in Future Simple using Quizlet: Do you want to practice more Spanish...


ESPERAR (Imperfecto)

ESPERAR (Imperfecto) Learn and practice Spanish with this conjugation “ESPERAR (Imperfecto)”:The verb “To wait” is conjugated this way in Imparfait Tense: Yo esperaba, tú esperabas, él esperaba, ella esperaba, nosotros esperábamos, ustedes esperaban, ellos esperaban, ellas esperaban. Practice this verbs in Imperfect using Quizlet: Do you want to practice more Spanish verbs in imperfect tense?...


ESPERAR (Pretérito)

ESPERAR (Pretérito) Learn and practice Spanish with this conjugation “ESPERAR (Pretérito)”:The verb “To wait” is conjugated this way in Preterite Tense: Yo esperé, tú esperaste, él esperó, ella esperó, nosotros esperamos, ustedes esperaron, ellos esperaron, ellas esperaron. Practice this verbs in Pretérito using Quizlet: Do you want to practice more Spanish verbs in preterite tense?...


ESPERAR (Presente)

ESPERAR (Presente) Learn and practice Spanish with this conjugation “ESPERAR (Presente)”:The verb “To wait” is conjugated this way in present tense: Yo espero, tú esperas, él espera, ella espera, nosotros esperamos, ustedes esperan, ellos esperan, ellas esperan. Practice the verb To begin and To wait here: Practice this verbs “to wait” in present tense using...


DESCENDER (Pretérito)

DESCENDER (Pretérito) Learn and practice Spanish with this conjugation “DESCENDER (Pretérito)”:The verb “To go down” is conjugated this way in Preterite Tense: Yo descendí, tú descendiste, él descendió, ella descendió, nosotros descendimos, ustedes descendieron, ellos descendieron, ellas descendieron. Practice this verbs in Pretérito using Quizlet: Do you want to practice more Spanish verbs in preterite...