Cápsula 11 – Círculos de conversación

Cápsula 11 – Círculos de conversación

Cápsula 11 – Círculos de conversación

In this post “Cápsula 11 – Círculos de conversación” we offer you 3 familiar questions that will help you in your conversations. You can use this capsule to interact with a person in a simple way by asking and answering these 3 simple questions. Enjoy!

Cápsula 11

1.- ¿Tocas algún instrumento musical?1.- Do you play a musical instrument?
 2.- Si pudieras volver a otra época, ¿Cuál elegirías?2.- If you could go back to another time, which one would you choose?
3.- Nombra algunas cosas que necesitas llevar en un viaje3.- Name some things you need to bring with you on a trip.

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These questions are designed to spark meaningful exchanges, allowing you to practice not only your speaking skills but also your listening and comprehension abilities. Whether you’re engaging in a casual chat or a more structured conversation, this capsule serves as a great tool to build confidence and fluency. Feel free to revisit this capsule whenever you need a quick refresher or want to strengthen your conversational skills in a supportive and easy-going environment. Happy practicing!