Cápsula 25 – Círculos de conversación

Cápsula 25 – Círculos de conversación

Cápsula 25 – Círculos de conversación

In this post, titled “Cápsula 25 – Círculos de conversación” we present three familiar questions designed to aid in oral preparation for the DELF A2 exam. Whether you’re considering taking the exam or simply seeking to engage in casual conversation, these questions provide a straightforward framework for interaction. Feel free to use this capsule to initiate dialogue and enjoy the process of asking and answering these simple questions!

Cápsula 25

1.- ¿Cuál es tu mayor logro personal hasta la fecha?1.- What is your greatest personal achievement to date?
2.- Si pudieras revivir un día de tu vida, ¿qué día elegirías y por qué?2.- If you could relive a day in your life, what day would you choose and why?
3.- Nombra especies animales en peligro de extinción3.- Name animal species in danger of extinction.

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Cápsula 25 – Círculos de conversación

Capsule 25

Moreover, we encourage you to expand on these questions by incorporating your own experiences and interests. This not only makes the conversation more engaging but also helps in developing fluency and confidence in speaking. Practicing with a partner or in a group can be particularly beneficial, as it simulates real-life scenarios and enhances your ability to respond spontaneously. So, dive in, explore the questions, and let the conversations flow naturally!