Category: Canciones Niños

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Los tres cochinitos-spanischcircles

Los tres cochinitos

Los tres cochinitos Spanish Circles: Singing is an amazing way to improve your language learning. “Los tres cochinitos” is a beautiful song that can help children to learn and remember Spanish vocabulary. Enjoy!     Spanish English Los cochinitos ya están en la cama, muchos Besitos les dio su mamá, y calientitos, Todos con piyama, dentro...

Los colores - Dave y Ava - Spanishcircles

Los colores-Dave y Ava

Los colores-Dave y Ava Spanish Circles: Singing is an amazing way to improve your language learning. “Los colores-Dave y Ava” is a beautiful song that can help children to learn and remember Spanish vocabulary. Enjoy! Dave and Ava is an animated series of nursery rhymes specially designed for children between 1 and 5 years of age....

Buenos Días, Buenas Tardes y Buenas Noches - Spanishcircles

Buenos Días, Buenas Tardes y Buenas Noches

Buenos Días, Buenas Tardes y Buenas Noches Spanish Circles: Singing is an amazing way to improve your language learning. “Buenos Días, Buenas Tardes y Buenas Noches” is a beautiful song that can help children to learn and remember Spanish vocabulary. Enjoy!   Spanish English Buenos días si es de día, buenas tardes si es de tarde,...

Sonidos mágicos - Spanishcircles

Sonidos mágicos

Sonidos mágicos-Magic sounds Spanish Circles: Singing is an amazing way to improve your language learning. “Sonidos mágicos” is a beautiful song that can help children to learn and remember Spanish vocabulary. Enjoy! Do you want to listen to another song?  Click on the image of your interest: mágicos

Las frutas - Spanishcircles

Las frutas

Las frutas-The fruits Spanish Circles: Singing is an amazing way to improve your language learning. “Las frutas” is a beautiful song that can help children to learn and remember Spanish vocabulary. Enjoy! Do you want to listen to another song?  Click on the image of your interest: The fruits

Pedro el pez - Spanishcircles

Pedro el pez

Pedro el pez – Pedro the fish Spanish Circles: Singing is an amazing way to improve your language learning. “Pedro el pez ” is a beautiful song that can help children to learn and remember Spanish vocabulary. Enjoy!   Spanish English Este es Pedro. Hola, Pedro. Pedro es un pez. Pedro es un pez azul. Hola, Pedro...

Español para niños - Animales - Spanishcircles

Español para niños-Animales

Español para niños-Animales Spanish Circles: Singing is an amazing way to improve your language learning. “Español para niños-Animales” is a beautiful song that can help children to learn and remember Spanish vocabulary. Enjoy!     Do you want to listen to another song?  Click on the image of your interest: Español para niños-Animales

Soy una pizza-Charlotte Diamond

Soy una pizza-Charlotte Diamond

Soy una pizza-Charlotte Diamond Learn and Practice Spanish with this beautiful song from: Soy una pizza-Charlotte Diamond. Charlotte Diamond, CM (born 31 July 1945) is a Canadian children’s singer. She has recorded 12 albums including the Juno Award winning 10 Carrot Diamond. Some of her most popular songs include “4 Hugs a Day”, “I Am...

Las partes del cuerpo-spanishcircles

Las partes del cuerpo

Las partes del cuerpo-Body parts Spanish Circles: Singing is an amazing way to improve your language learning. “Las partes del cuerpo” is a beautiful song that can help children to learn and remember Spanish vocabulary. Enjoy!   Spanish English INSTRUCCIÓN 1 Preparados, ¿estamos listos? Que todo el cuerpo lo vamos a mover Preparados,  ¿estamos listos? Que...

Cinco Patitos-Spanishcircles

Cinco Patitos

Cinco Patitos-Five little ducks Spanish Circles: Singing is an amazing way to improve your language learning. “Cinco Patitos” is a beautiful song that can help children to learn and remember Spanish vocabulary. Enjoy!   Spanish English Cinco patitos  Salieron a pasear  Por la colina y más allá  Mami Pato dijo Quack quack quack Y sólo cuatro...