Los pasatiempos-The Hobbies In this post “Los pasatiempos-The Hobbies” you will learn and practice vocabularies about our hobbies in Spanish separated into groups of activities that are: Actividades físicas, actividades al aire libre, actividades de relajación, actividades en casa, actividades musicales, actividades para niños. Spanish dictations are a great way to improve your listening skills...
Category: 1 Vocabulary
Spanish Holy Week Vocabulary
Spanish Holy Week Vocabulary Learn and practice Spanish Holy Week Vocabulary: Semana Santa, Domingo de Ramos, Miércoles de Ceniza, Jueves Santo, Viernes Santo, etc. Here are some useful Spanish words to help you learn about Easter time. vocabulary : Holy week Spanish English Semana Santa Holy week Domingo de Ramos Palm Sunday Miércoles de Ceniza...
Spanish New Year Vocabulary
Spanish New Year Vocabulary Once you have studied this basic Spanish New Year Vocabulary, you will expand your vocabulary in other areas that are interesting for you. EnjoyClick the following video with Spanish words from New year. Video 1: List 1 Spanish English ¡Feliz Año Nuevo! Happy New Year! El nuevo año The new year...
Emociones positivas y negativas-Positive and negative emotions
Emociones positivas y negativas-Positive and negative emotions In this post “Emociones positivas y negativas-Positive and negative emotions” you will learn and practice Spanish vocabulary about the emotions. Positive emotions like alegría, amor y esperanza and negative emotions like tristeza, ira, etc. Enjoy this vocabulary! Vocabulary:Positive and negative emotions Spanish English Positive emotions Emociones positivas affection ...
El clima – The weather
El clima – The weather Learn and practice Spanish vocabulary about “El clima – The weather”: it’s pouring, how is the weather? Start reviewing the flashcards in the following Quizlet and then feel free to use the different options from Quizlet, such us match, learn, test or spell. The weather – flashcards The weather...
El agua – Water
El agua – Water In this post “El agua – Water” you will learn about most common Spanish terms about The water. You can practice phrases related to this vocabulary in our dictation section and you will be able to pronounce them properly. Here are some words you will learn: El afluente, el canal, el...
El espacio – Space
El espacio – Space In this post “El espacio – Space” you will learn about most common Spanish terms about The space. You can practice phrases related to this vocabulary in our dictation section and you will be able to pronounce them properly. Here are some words you will learn: El aire, el cuerpo celeste,...
La tierra – Earth
La tierra – Earth In this post “La tierra – Earth” you will learn about most common Spanish terms about The land. You can practice phrases related to this vocabulary in our dictation section and you will be able to pronounce them properly. Here are some words you will learn: El bosque, el campo, la...
Vestimenta de abajo-Clothing Bottom
Vestimenta de abajo-Clothing Bottom In this post “Vestimenta de abajo-Clothing Bottom” you will learn the name of the different garments that go on the lower part of the body. Here are some examples: las medias, los vaqueros, el traje de jogging, la falda , los pantalones, los pantalones cortos, la pijama , etc. Practice them...
Vestimenta de arriba-Clothing Top
Vestimenta de arriba-Clothing Top In this post “Vestimenta de arriba-Clothing Top” you will learn the names of the different upper garments. The tops of clothes cover the shoulders, the back and part of the bust. They don’t go lower than the middle of the thighs. Here are some examples: la chaqueta corta, la chaqueta de...