CENAR (Presente)

CENAR (Presente)

CENAR (Presente)

Learn and practice Spanish with this conjugation “CENAR (Presente)”:
The verb “To dinner” is conjugated this way in present tense:

Yo ceno, tú cenas, él cena, ella cena, nosotros cenamos, ustedes cenan, ellos cenan, ellas cenan.

To dinner – Present Tense

Yo cenoI have dinner
Tú cenasYou have dinner (sing.)
Él cenaHe has dinner
Ella cenaShe has dinner
Nosotros cenamosWe have dinner
Ustedes cenanYou have dinner (plur.)
Ellos cenanThey have dinner (masc.)
Ellas cenanThey have dinner (fem.)

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CENAR (Presente)

To dinner – Present

Whether you’re just starting out or looking to refresh your skills, this guide will make learning Spanish verbs easy and fun!