El hombre equivocado (Kjarkas)

El hombre equivocado (Kjarkas)

El hombre equivocado (Kjarkas)

Learn Spanish with this beautiful bolivian song from the bolivian group: El hombre equivocado (Kjarkas).

Los Kjarkas is a Bolivian band from the Capinota province in the department of Cochabamba, and one of the most popular Andean folk music bands in the country’s history. Among the styles they play are Saya, tuntuna, huayño, and carnavales. The instruments they use include the charango, quena, zampona, ronroco, guitar, and bombo.


Lyrics : El hombre equivocado (Kjarkas)

Spanish English
Tengo 15 años I’m 15 years old
y no he vivido and I have not lived
en mis labios besos In my lips, kisses
nunca he sentido I have never felt
mis ojos vieron my eyes saw
mil madrugadas a thousand dawns
y pasó el amor and love past away
sin golpear mi puerta without knocking my door
Un día se puso One day she wore
el mejor vestido the best dress
y puso carmín and put lipstick
en sus labios tiernos in her tender lips
forzó el camino she forced the road
de su destino of her destination
no quiso esperar did not want to wait
y salió al encuentro and went out to meet him
forzó el camino she forced the road
de su destino of his destination
no quiso esperar did not want to wait
y salió al encuentro and went out to meet him
Un día llegó A day arrived
el hombre equivocado the wrong man
el amor fugaz the fleeting love
de telenovela of a soap opera
las mariposas the butterflies
con alas rotas with broken wings
no podrán volar will not be able to fly
ni tocar el cielo or touch the sky
las mariposas the butterflies
con alas rotas with broken wings
no podrán volar will not be able to fly
ni tocar el cielo or touch the sky
Y se enamoró And she fell in love
de quien no debía with whom she shouldn’t have
de un amor trivial a trivial love
y de fantasía and fantasy
mas a los hombres But the men
no hay que juzgarlos are not to be judged
por el celofán by the cellophane
con que los envuelven that you wrap them in
más a los hombres But the men
no hay que juzgarlos are not to be judged
por el celofán by the cellophane
con que los envuelven that you wrap them in
Nunca vivas niña Girl, never live
un amor temprano An early love
no eches a perder Don’t lose
tus mejores años your best years
mas a los hombres but the men
no hay que juzgarlos are not to be judged
por el celofán by the cellophane
con que los envuelven that you wrap them in
las mariposas the butterflies
con alas rotas with broken wings
no podrán volar will not be able to fly
no podrán volar will not be able to fly
no podrán volar will not be able to fly
ni tocar el cielo….. or touch the sky …..

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Los Kjarkas is a Bolivian band from the Capinota province in the department of Cochabamba, and one of the most popular Andean folk music bands in the country’s history. Among the styles they play are Saya, tuntuna, huayño, and carnavales. The instruments they use include the charango, quena, zampona, ronroco, guitar, and bombo.