Gian Franco Pagliaro – Un Ramito De Violetas

Gian Franco Pagliaro – Un Ramito De Violetas

Singing is an amazing way to improve your language learning. “Gian Franco Pagliaro-Un Ramito De Violetas” is a beautiful song that can help you to learn and remember Spanish vocabulary. Enjoy!
Gian Franco Pagliaro  Naples, July 26, 1941 – Buenos Aires, March 27, 2012, 2 was an Argentine – nationalized Italian singer – songwriter, with great success in Latin America. In the 1970s he was the protagonist of the protest song sung in Spanish.

Lyrics : Un Ramito De Violetas

Spanish English
Era feliz en su matrimonio She was happy in her marriage
Aunque su marido era el mismo demonio Although her husband was the same devil
Tenía el hombre un poco de mal genio The man had a bit of a temper
Y ella se quejaba de que nunca fue tierno And she was complaining he was never kind
Desde hace ya más de tres años For more than three years now
Recibe cartas de un extraño She receives letters from a stranger
Cartas llenas de poesía Letters full of poetry
Que le han devuelto la alegría That have given back her joy
Quién la escribía versos, dime quién era? Who wrote her verses, tell me who was it?
Quién la mandaba flores por primavera Who sent her flowers for spring
Quién cada nueve de noviembre Who every November 9th
Como siempre sin tarjeta As always without a card
La mandaba un ramito de violetas Sent her a bouquet of violets
A veces sueña y se imagina Sometimes she dreams and imagines
Cómo será aquel que tanto la estima How will be that man who cares about her
Sería un hombre más bien de pelo cano He maybe would be a man with white hair
Sonrisa abierta y ternura en las manos Open smile and tenderness in the hands
No sabe quien sufre en silencio She doesn’t know who suffers in silence
Quién puede ser su amor secreto? Who can be her secret love?
Y vive así de día en día And she lives like that day to day
Con la ilusión de ser querida With the illusion of being loved
Quién la escribía versos, dime quién era? Who wrote her verses, tell me who was it?
Quién la mandaba flores por primavera Who sent her flowers for spring
Quién cada nueve de noviembre Who every November 9th
Como siempre sin tarjeta As always without a card
La mandaba un ramito de violetas Sent her a bouquet of violets
Y cada tarde al volver su esposo And every evening when her husband returns
Cansado del trabajo la mira de reojo Tired of work he sideways glance
No dice nada porque lo sabe todo He says nothing because he knows everything
Sabe que es feliz, así de cualquier modo He knows she is happy, like this
Porque él es quien le escribe versos Because he is the one who writes her verses
Él, su amante, su amor secreto Him, her lover, her secret love
Y ella que no sabe nada And she, who knows nothing,
Mira a su marido y luego calla Look at her husband and then she is silent
Quién la escribía versos, dime quién era? Who wrote her verses, tell me who was it?
Quién la mandaba flores por primavera Who sent her flowers for spring
Quién cada nueve de noviembre Who every November 9th
Como siempre sin tarjeta As always without a card
La mandaba un ramito de violetas Sent her a bouquet of violets

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Un Ramito De Violetas