La tierra – Earth

La tierra - Earth - Vocabulary

La tierra – Earth

In this post “La tierra – Earth” you will learn about most common Spanish terms about The land. You can practice phrases related to this vocabulary in our dictation section and you will be able to pronounce them properly. Here are some words you will learn: El bosque, el campo, la colina, la costa, el desierto, el glaciar, la cueva, la isla, la montaña, el paisaje, la península, la playa, etc. Practice your intermediate Spanish vocabulary here!

Start reviewing the flashcards in the following Quizlet and then feel free to use the different options from Quizlet, such us match, learn, test or spell.

Earth – Flashcards

Earth – List

1.El  bosqueThe woods
2.El campoThe countryside
3La colinaThe hill
4La costaThe coast
5El desiertoThe desert
6El glaciarThe glacier
7La cuevaThe cave
8La islaThe island
9La montañaThe mountain
10El paisajeThe landscape
11La penínsulaThe peninsula
12La playaThe beach
13La llanuraThe plain
14La mesetaThe plateau
15El muelleThe quay
16La regiónThe region
17La orillaThe shore
18La rocaThe rock
19La cimaThe peak
20El terrenoThe terrain
21El valleThe valley
22El volcánThe volcano

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La tierra - Earth - Vocabulary
La tierra – Earth – Vocabulary