Perder (Imperfecto)

Perder (Imperfecto)

Perder (Imperfecto)

Learn and practice Spanish with this conjugaison Perder (Imperfecto):
The verb “To lose” is conjugated this way in Imperfect Tense:
Yo perdía, tú perdías, él perdía, ella perdía, usted perdía, nosotros perdíamos, vosotros perdíais, ellos perdían, ellas perdían, ustedes perdían.

Here you will find the verb conjugation of “Perder”. Please choose the desired tense from the selection below or click on one of the links at the bottom of the box in order to view specific tenses.

To lose – Imperfect Tense

English Spanish
I lost
You lost (sing.)
He lost
She lost
You lost
We lost
You lost (plur.)
They lost (masc.)
They lost (fem.)
You lost
Yo perdía
Tú perdías
Él perdía
Ella perdía
Usted perdía
Nosotros perdíamos
Vosotros perdíais
Ellos perdían
Ellas perdían
Ustedes perdían

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Perder (Imperfecto)


to lose

To learn the Spanish conjugation, you have to be both rigorous and meticulous: since, among other things, you have to learn the endings of each verb tense for all verbs and memorize the irregular verbs. To learn the Spanish conjugation, you have to be both rigorous and meticulous: since, among other things, you have to learn the endings of each verb tense for all verbs and memorize the irregular verbs