Sonidos de animales

Sonidos de animales - Spanishcircles

Sonidos de animales

Spanish Circles: Singing is an amazing way to improve your language learning. “Sonidos de animales” is a beautiful song that can help children to learn and remember Spanish vocabulary. By incorporating music into language lessons, learners not only enhance their listening and pronunciation skills but also engage more deeply with the culture. Songs like “Sonidos de animales” make learning fun and interactive, encouraging children to participate actively and retain new words more effectively.


Animal sounds :

Nro Spanish English
1 gallina hen
2 mono monkey
3 pato duck
4 caballo horse
5 hipopótamo hippo
6 león lion
7 pavo turkey
8 rinoceronte rhino
9 ganso goose
10 burro donkey
11 tigre tiger
12 rana frog
13 cerdo pig
14 gato cat
15 ovejas sheep

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Sonidos de animales - Spanishcircles

Animal sounds 

Additionally, music creates a relaxed and enjoyable learning environment, reducing the stress often associated with language acquisition. Repeating catchy melodies helps reinforce memory, making it easier for learners to recall vocabulary and phrases. Using songs as a learning tool also introduces learners to rhythm and intonation, crucial elements of mastering a new language.