¿Te has comprado ropa nueva últimamente?

¿Te has comprado ropa nueva últimamente?

In this post, titled “¿Te has comprado ropa nueva últimamente? – Have you bought any new clothes lately?”, you will hear a short conversation presented in RED and BLUE text format. his engaging short dialogue is designed to help you improve your oral skills interactively. This is a conversation between Maria and Julian who talk about the clothes they bought and that they like.

Red and Blue : Have you bought any new clothes lately?

María : ¡Hola Julian! ¿Te has comprado ropa nueva últimamente?María : Hi Julian! Have you bought any new clothes lately?
Julian : Sí, me he comprado una chaqueta de cuero genial y un par de vaqueros.Julian : Yes, I bought a great leather jacket and a pair of jeans.
María : ¡Oh, genial! ¿Dónde encontraste la chaqueta?María : Ah, great! Where did you get the jacket?
Julian : La encontré en una pequeña tienda del centro..Julian : I found it in a little store downtown.
María : Y los vaqueros, ¿de qué marca son?María : And the jeans, what brand are they?
Julian : Son Levi’s. Me gusta esa marca.Julian : They’re Levi’s. I like that brand.

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Have you bought any new clothes lately? – Red and Blue – Spanish Circles

In this section titled, conversations covering everyday topics in Spanish. Enjoy exploring the Red and Blue Spanish Dialogues!. Get ready to listen to a short conversation presented in RED and BLUE format. This interactive dialogue aims to enhance your oral proficiency in a dynamic manner. Spring is on its way! Prepare yourself to immerse in a brief conversation formatted in RED and BLUE. This interactive exchange is designed to enhance your oral proficiency through engaging interaction. Get ready to sharpen your conversational skills!